TRAVEL PLANNER 2016 – 2017
(‘‘II’’) is a Florida corporation offering an exchange service for use by its
Members, and in certain circumstances other travel and leisure benefits (the
‘‘Exchange Program’’). II is a wholly owned subsidiary of Interval Holdings,
Inc., a Delaware corporation. II’s principal office is at 6262 Sunset Drive,
Miami, Florida 33143; 305-666-1861. The obligations of II, pursuant to these
terms and conditions, may be performed by II, its authorized representatives,
or designated licensees.
1. “
Club Interval Gold
” refers to the benefits package available to
Individual Members at Member Resorts participating in the Club Interval
program upon payment of the applicable Club Interval Gold membership
fee. Club Interval Gold provides Members with the benefits of Interval Gold
including participation in ShortStay Exchange
and Interval Options
, plus
participation in Club Interval.
2. “
Club Interval Points
” means the symbolic currency utilized by Club
Interval to value the Member’s Home Resort accommodations and the
accommodations requested by the Member from the Exchange Program,
as well as other alternate accommodations requested through the Interval
Options program.
3. ‘‘
’’ means a written or electronic acknowledgment from II
that a request for accommodations has been fulfilled.
4. ‘‘
Fixed Time
’’ means that the Vacation Interest is for a specific time
period each year.
5. ‘‘
Floating Time
’’ means that the Vacation Interest is not for a specific
time period and may vary from year to year. Floating Time accommodations
are subject to the Home Resort’s own reservation system and operating
6. ‘‘
Home Resort
’’ means the resort at which the Individual Member
owns a Vacation Interest. When the Individual Member owns a Vacation
Interest at more than one resort, the term “Home Resort” is used to identify
the resort at which a unit week or its equivalent in points is being
relinquished to effectuate an exchange.
7. ‘‘
Host Resort
’’ or ‘‘
Host Accommodations
’’ means the resort into
which the Individual Member has been issued a Confirmation (including
, ShortStay Exchange, and Getaway Confirmations as well as
8. ‘‘
Individual Member
’’ or ‘‘
’’ means a person, persons, or entity
who owns a Vacation Interest at a Member Resort and who, by participating
in the II Exchange Program, agrees to be bound by these terms and
conditions of II membership and exchange as amended from time to time.
An Individual Member is said to be in good standing with II and the Home
Resort when the Individual Member is current in the payment of all fees and
assessments prescribed by II and/or the Home Resort and is in compliance
with all II and Home Resort terms and conditions then in effect.
9. ‘‘
Interval Gold
’’ and ‘‘
Interval Platinum
’’ refer to the upgraded
benefits packages available to Individual Members in good standing upon
payment of the applicable Interval Gold or Interval Platinum membership
upgrade fee. Interval Gold or Interval Platinum status provides Members
with certain additional travel and leisure benefits not available through basic
membership in the II Exchange Program.
10. “
Interval International Resort Directory
” or “
Travel Planner
” means
II’s online and print publications, respectively. Both publications include the
Terms and Conditions of Individual Membership and Exchange, as well as an
overview of benefits of II membership and a descriptive listing of selected
Member Resorts.
11. ‘‘
Member Resort
’’ means any resort or vacation club membership
program for which a developer, homeowners’ association, or other third
party has entered into a contract with II, pursuant to which accommodations
and facilities may be made available to Members, as well as any resort for
which II provides exchange services directly to its owners.
12. “
Preferred Residences
Member Resort
” means any resort that has
satisfied the Preferred Residences Standards, and therefore such resort
may be referred to as a Preferred Residences Member Resort. A unique
set of benefits and services are provided to Individual Members in good
standing as a result of owning a Vacation Interest at a Preferred Residences
Member Resort.
13. “
Preferred Residences Standards
” refers to certain brand standards
of service, appearance, management, and operation as established by
the Preferred
Hotels & Resorts (“Preferred”). The Preferred Residences
Standards trademarks and names are owned by Preferred and are used
by II under a license, which, in turn, II sublicenses to the development entity,
homeowners’ association, and/or resort manager associated with each
Preferred Residences Member Resort pursuant to an affiliation agreement
with II. Each such license and sublicense may be terminated or revoked
according to its terms. II may do business and communicate with Members
under the Preferred Residences name.
14. “
Preferred Points
” means the currency into which a Member’s
Preferred Residences Member Resort accommodations are converted
upon relinquishment. Each Member’s Preferred Points are held in his or her
“Preferred Points Account” until such time as they are used through the
issuance of a Confirmation or they expire.
15. ‘‘
’’ or ‘‘
Suspended Resort
’’ means that a Member Resort
is not in compliance with an II affiliation agreement, II policies and
procedures, or is not otherwise in good standing with II. While a Member
Resort is suspended, processing of new memberships, membership
renewals, and exchange deposits and requests may be temporarily halted.
16. “
” or “
Travel Demand Index
” means the seasonal indices that are
updated periodically to reflect the cycles of relative weekly demand for a
specific geographic area. The TDI is a vacation-planning tool offered by II
to assist Members in determining which time periods offer the best
opportunities for travel to a particular region and when accommodations are
most likely to be available. The TDI is not an indication of the quality or
desirability of vacationing in any specific resort, geographic area, or season,
nor is it necessarily an indication of the availability of a particular week in the
Exchange Program.
17. ‘‘
Vacation Interest
’’ means the possessory rights, occupancy rights,
or usage rights in accommodations and related facilities for a period of time
during any given year, and which rights extend for any period prescribed or
allowed by applicable law for establishing a timeshare plan.
1. Member Resorts usually arrange for initial membership in II for their
purchasers. These terms and conditions of Membership constitute the
Member’s contract with II, which is a separate and distinct contract from a
Member’s contract with the developer or seller of the Vacation Interest.
Individual Membership commences upon II’s receipt and processing of an
individual’s enrollment information and the applicable membership fee.
2. In subsequent years, Individual Members are generally renewed
directly by II, and membership in the Exchange Program is voluntary. At all
times, participation in the Exchange Program is voluntary.
No developer of any Member Resort is an agent for or a joint
venturer with II. II does not sell, lease, or otherwise convey an interest
in any real property. Neither II nor any of its officers or directors has
any legal or beneficial interest in any developer or seller of any resort
participating in the Exchange Program. Related companies of II, HV
Global Group, Inc. and its affiliates, own and manage the Hyatt
Residence Club Program. II, through its subsidiaries, Trading Places
International, LLC and its subsidiary, TPI Management – Canada Inc.
(collectively, “TPI”), and Vacation Resorts International and its
subsidiary, Owners’ Resorts and Exchange, Inc. (collectively, “VRI”),
manages a limited number of the Member Resorts participating in the
Exchange Program.
Membership benefits, including, but not limited to, participation
in Special Exchange Services and various incentive programs, will be
provided so long as the Member and the Home Resort are in good
standing with II.
Additionally, the Member must be in good standing with
the Home Resort. The use of certain Preferred Residences benefits requires
that the Member’s Interval Platinum membership be in good standing.
Membership benefits, other than the exchange privilege, including certain
Interval Gold, Club Interval Gold, Interval Platinum, and Preferred
Residences benefits, are subject to separate terms and conditions. Said
benefits, their providers, and their terms of use may be changed,
substituted, or eliminated without prior notice. Where benefits are provided
by independent third parties, II and Preferred expressly disclaim responsibility
for the acts or omissions of any persons or entities providing such benefits.
Members are not required to exchange their Vacation Interest to use any
other benefits provided through the Exchange Program. Members
acknowledge and agree that eligibility to receive benefits associated with
ownership at a Preferred Residences Member Resort shall not qualify a
Member for participation in any other program offered by Preferred Hotel
Group, Inc. or any of its affiliated business entities.
5. Membership in II is conditioned upon the Home Resort’s continued
adherence to II’s standards of service, appearance, management, and
operation, and, as it pertains to a Preferred Residences Member Resort,
the Preferred Residences Standards. A Member Resort’s failure to maintain
these standards, or failure to timely renovate or construct vacation
Terms and Conditions
of Individual Membership and Exchange