24 hours
If you deposit your week 59 to 14 days
before your home resort week starts,
you must use Flexchange.
No deposits
will be accepted less than 14 days
before your week.
14 days
59 days
Flex Deposit
Your Week
If you want to exchange 59 days to
24 hours before
your travel date
, you must use Flexchange.
Your Travel
Request a Week
59 days
If you’re traveling on short notice ...
Through Flexchange, you can obtain an instant confirmation from
59 days to 24 hours before check-in. Go to IntervalWorld.com for a
listing of available destinations.
You’ll also use Flexchange if you deposit your week 59 to
14 days before your home resort week to obtain an instant
confirmation from 59 days to 24 hours before check-in.
If you’re an Interval Gold or
Interval Platinum member ...
You have even more exchange opportunities than those explained.
If you can’t take a weeklong break, you can use ShortStay
Exchange to turn your resort week into two shorter vacations —
each from as few as one night to as many as six. Points-based
members can take as many ShortStay Exchange vacations as their
available points allow.
And Interval Options lets members trade their week or use their
points toward a cruise, or a golf, spa, or tour vacation.
For more Interval Gold and Interval Platinum benefits, turn to
pages 24 and 25.
When you complete an exchange ...
You’ll receive a vacation confirmation (via email or the postal
service) that includes the details you were provided about the unit,
resort, and surrounding area when you exchanged online or
through the call center. If you are automatically confirmed from a
pending request, there might be information you are seeing for the
first time. Regardless, be sure to review your confirmation
If you need to arrange air travel, a rental car, or a hotel stay to
extend your resort vacation, you can do so at IntervalWorld.com.
How to