The name of the TDI area.
The number of the TDI. Please note that TDI
numbers carry no value.
Most features of four pages or more contain a
seasonal overview. These descriptions
the TDI chart
are color-coordinated, with gray
roughly representing winter, green indicating
spring, and blue and orange designating summer
and fall, respectively. Bold text
reflects that
season’s image on the facing page .
Featured resorts offer the best exchange and Getaway
opportunities. The resort name, resort code, and location
appear directly under the photo. An HD icon indicates
that an Interval HD video for the resort can be found at
IntervalWorld.com. A description of the resort and the
on-site amenities and sleeping capacity follow. For an
explanation of these symbols, see the facing page.
Other area resorts have less availability than the featured
resorts, but should still be considered when you make an
exchange or buy a Getaway.
Scan the QR code with your smartphone to access the
Resort Directory
at IntervalWorld.com. If there is an HD
icon next to the QR code, this means a video highlighting
the resort area can be found at IntervalWorld.com.
In city maps, the attractions
mentioned in the Musts section are
represented on the map by red
dots and their respective numbers.
Resort towns and other towns of
interest are represented by black
dots. In most of these maps, the
featured resorts are included, and
are indicated by white dots.
The number inside the image
corresponds to the attraction or
activity of the same number.
How to Use Your
Travel Planner