Jon Arnold Images/SuperStock
This U.S. National Historic Site is situated on seven acres centered on the
waterfront, and includes five 18th- and 19th-century buildings that testify to
the island’s Danish roots. Named for a king, the surrounding town reflects a
blend of influences — from European architecture and arcaded sidewalks to
buildings in Caribbean pastels.
As a teenager, 18th-century American statesman Alexander Hamilton lived
here and worked as a clerk for an import-export merchant. It was during this
period that the impoverished boy’s talents were recognized, and the business
owner was moved to fund Hamilton’s education in the American colonies.
The African influence in this community is strong, as you’re likely to see if
you’re here during a celebration. Colorfully costumed stilts-walking characters
known as
mocko jumbies
are an integral part of this island’s parades and
festivities, originating from the cultural lore brought over by slaves.
RULES: Entrants must be active members of Interval International. Employees of Interval International, its subsidiaries, parent companies, and affiliates, and the families of each are not eligible to participate. More than one entry per
member family is prohibited. Entries must be postmarked no later than September 1, 2015.Winners will be the first 10 correct answers selected in a random drawing. No purchase is necessary.There is no cash equivalent to the prizes.
We have 10 cell phone–charging caddies to give
away to lucky
Interval World
readers. Correctly
identify the building in the photograph (using the
clues to help you). Then send your answer,
membership number, name, and address on a
postcard to:
Where in the World?
Interval World
P.O. Box 431920
Miami, FL 33243-1920
Attention: Jacquelyn Kalis
Entries must be
postmarked no later than
September 1, 2015. If your
correct answer is one of
the first 10 selected in our
random drawing, you win!
See rules below.
INTERVAL WORLD Summer 2015 IntervalWorld.com