Does anyone buy a timeshare week and think,
“I really want
to get involved in this: You know, get on the board of directors of the
homeowners’ association and spend my time deciding if maintenance
fees should go up”? Probably not.
There are approximately 1,540 vacation ownership resorts in the
U.S. and thousands more worldwide, and almost every one of them has
an HOA. Owners are stepping up to the plate to run their resorts, and for
fortunate resort managers, they can be a real asset. “Our board of direc-
tors at Club Cascadas de Baja, to name one, is a group of very smart
people who really love their resort,” says Loren Gallagher, president and
CEO of
Vacation Resorts International (VRI)and
Trading Places International (TPI).“They spend time doing research, come to meetings
prepared, and have a wealth of expertise to offer.”
Creating that kind of synergy is best not left to chance, but resort
management can only
the process. “Keep in mind, you can’t —
and wouldn’t want to — just stack the board with people who will do
whatever the management company or developer suggests,” explains
Marcus Wood, executive vice president at TPI. “Anyone who wants to
run can run, if they meet the criteria. They can campaign, they can pro-
mote themselves, and they can make a speech at the annual meeting.
It’s a democratic process.”
That said, a strategic plan and a gift for diplomacy are invaluable
assets. “Our resort requires all board candidates to submit their resume
two months before the election,” says Lisa Siegert-Free, managing
director of the Christie Lodge Owners Association in Avon, Colorado,
and chair of the
American Resort Development Association’s HOA Outreach Committee.“That way, there are no surprise nominations from
the floor.”
Here are some other tips for recruiting a few good men and women.
1. Ask the Right Questions
At many resorts, the election process begins with a notice asking
prospective board members to let the board or resort manager know
vacation industry review
Six Strategies
for Assembling
a Great Board
By Judy Kenninger