2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Oceanfront Suite
Maui really is that amazing. Hyatt Ka’anapali Beach, Maui’s newest, award-winning resort oers the
perfect retreat to let the spirit of aloha envelop your soul. We are pleased to invite Interval International
members to meet our o’hana (family) and indulge in oceanfront suites featuring huge, private open-air
lanais and over 40-acres of lush tropical landscape. Don’t just visit Maui. Live the life of aloha.
Maui. The way it should be.
for 6 Days & 5 Nights
Book now at +1 877.844.8816 or visit Maui.HyattResidenceClub.com/Interval for complete details.
This promotional oer is contingent uponmeeting state of residency and certaineligibility requirements. Completionof a 90-minute (not to exceed120-minute) sales
presentation also required. Oer is basedupon availability; travelmust be completedbyDecember 17, 2016.This is neither anoer to sell nor a solicitation tobuy to
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HV Global Group, Inc. independently owns and manages the Hyatt Residence Club program and uses the Hyatt Vacation Ownership name and other Hyatt names and
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Hyatt Hotels Corporation and its a#liates make no representations, warranties or guaranties with respect to the resort or the Hyatt Residence Club program. HV Global
Group, Inc. is not an a#liate of Hyatt Hotels Corporation.
Special oers also available for our Key West, Carmel, San Antonio and Sedona resorts.
Hyatt Ka’anapali Beach, Maui, Hawaii
A savings of up to $5,000