Initially, we thought we would show you what some of the tools look like —
on a big desktop screen,
Interval International
on a tablet,
mobile website
on a smartphone.
But is that what you want to see when you open a magazine?
OK, OK, here’s a glimpse:
The way we see it, the tools are just a means to an end.
They simplify. They expedite. They inform. Take these for example:
You go to
on the Web to ask a fellow member
where to get the best fish tacos in Cancún.
You tune in to
Interval HD
for a Las Vegas video.
You check out the
Interval Exchange Tracker
to see that
another member has traded her home resort in Myrtle Beach for a week in Malta.
You book a last-minute
while waiting in the car-pool line,
or you confirm an
between binge-watched episodes of
And before the 11:00 news is over,
you’ve booked your rental car through
Interval Travel
This is an advertisement for Interval’s
And then?