INTERVAL WORLD Spring 2016 IntervalWorld.com
Ripley’s Entertainment Myrtle Beach; Zach Mahone/Bravo! Vail
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Williamsburg Myrtle Beach, South CarolinaREADY FOR THIS JELLY(FISH)?
View thousands of translucent, glowing jellyfish at Planet Jellies, Ripley’s
Aquarium’s largest addition since its opening in the ’90s. The 5,000-square-
foot color-shifting exhibit, which opened last summer, features 10 tanks and
displays showcasing five types of jellyfish: Atlantic and Japanese sea nettle;
moon; spotted lagoon; and upside-down. Though most of the exhibit is a
spectator sport, there’s also a play area for children and a touch tank where
you can “pet” a moon jelly on its rounded top without risking a sting.
New eating and entertainment options are in store for Williamsburg’s Busch Gardens, including a
market-style restaurant and craft-beer room opening this spring, and an open-air evening show
debuting in the summer. Inspired by the travels of Marco Polo, the brand-new eatery offers Asian, Italian,
and Mediterranean entrees and artisan flatbreads. Feeling thirsty? Sample one (or more) of the 30 local
and regional brews at the new beer room inside the park’s Das Festhaus hall. And when you’re not busy
indulging, be sure to check out the evening entertainment — a contemporary reinterpretation of the
classic tale
The Three Musketeers
— in the Royal Palace Theatre.