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for a drive-to vacation on
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Car Talk
Paving the Way for a
Successful Road Trip
Long-distance car travel has improved a lot in the last decade or so.
Interstates are clustered with more lodgings, restaurants, and gas sta-
tions than ever. The navigator is no longer a person who sits up front
with maps spread across the dashboard, but rather a disembodied
voice directing your route. And the kids aren’t limited to reading comics
and counting license plates. Instead, they’re playing electronic games
or plugging into their personal DVD players to watch the latest ani-
mated movie.
Advances in roadside services, navigation, and in-car entertain-
ment aside, road travel remains an adventure, especially for families
embarking on a vacation. And whether you’re making a two-hour trip
or a day’s journey, proper preparation can mean the difference
between an enjoyable ride — and a nightmare of a drive.
Getting ready for a drive-to vacation requires a little forethought,
but the effort is well worth it.
Planning Your Route
Going from here to there may be simpler than ever, with navigation
systems and apps to guide you, and even steer you away from road
construction and traffic congestion. But still, it pays to familiarize your-
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