INTERVAL WORLD Spring 2015 IntervalWorld.com
3. A Firsthand History Lesson
Stone windmills pop up on seemingly every hilltop in Antigua.
They hint of its agro-industrial past, when grassy sugarcane crop
blanketed more than 100 plantations across the island. The
windmills were used to crush the stalks.
Betty’s Hope
, the island’s first large sugar plantation, one
has been restored to working order. Poke around the mills and the
boiling and curing house with its copper vats. The interesting and
informative visitors’ center provides insight into daily life on the
plantation and sugar making — from planting and the backbreak-
ing harvest to crushing the cane, boiling the juice, and turning it
into sugar (and rum) for export.
4. A Snapshot of the Past
In 1784, British admiral Horatio Nelson arrived at Antigua’s
English Harbour and headed the development of the naval facil-
ities that are now known as
Nelson’s Dockyard
. Although they
fell into disrepair after the 1889 departure of the Royal Navy, they
have been restored to a working Georgian-era dockyard. There
are sail lofts, chandleries and capstans, and yachts tied up to
the dock. The place is so atmospheric that you can almost imag-
ine the commander himself appearing around the corner to naval
whistles and a drum roll.
In the Dockyard Museum (formerly the naval officer’s house)
you will learn fascinating facts through exhibits of early navigational
instruments, blacksmiths’ bellows, and even sailors’ graffiti. And
of course there are bars — the Galley is good at sundown, and the
restaurant at Admiral’s Inn is well worth a visit for lunch.
5. Seamen and Sailing
The sailors in Nelson’s day were rambunctious enough, but in
season Antigua is pretty lively nowadays, too. Crews still carouse
Windmills such as this one at Betty’s Hope
plantation were integral to the sugar-making
process that was once the mainstay of
Antigua’s economy.
Picture Perfect
Make an exchange or buy a Getaway at IntervalWorld.com.
Getaways start at
for a studio* unit and $769 for a two-bedroom unit.
The Getaway prices are valid April 1, 2015, through August 31, 2015.
*This is an all-inclusive resort, requiring the purchase of a meal plan payable to the resort.
Gavin Hellier/SuperStock; Bill Bachmann/SuperStock; Axiom Photographic/Design Pics/SuperStock