1 pound salt cod
1 cup milk
2 medium potatoes,
cooked, peeled, and
3 green onions, chopped
2 tablespoons parsley,
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
2 eggs
1 tablespoon olive oil,
plus more for frying
1 cup flour
1 cup fine bread crumbs
1 cup mayonnaise
4 medium garlic cloves,
peeled and mashed to a
Approximately 24 hours
before preparing the dish,
rinse cod of excess salt and
cut into small pieces. Place in
a bowl and cover with water,
changing water two times
during the 24-hour period.
Drain, rinse, and pat
cod dry. Simmer cod in a
saucepan with the milk for 10
minutes. Remove from liquid
and break into small flakes,
pulling out bones. Mix fish
with the mashed potatoes.
Add and mix the following in
this order: green onions, pars-
ley, and nutmeg; one beaten
egg; and olive oil. Refrigerate
for 30 minutes.
Beat another egg in a
shallow bowl, and place flour
and bread crumbs in sepa-
rate bowls. Heat a deep,
heavy-bottomed skillet with
1/2 inch of oil. While oil is
heating to medium-high,
remove mixture from refrig-
erator and roll into small,
pingpong-sized balls. Dip
each in flour, then beaten
egg, and roll in bread
crumbs. Place carefully into
the hot oil, frying until golden
brown. Remove and drain on
a paper towel–lined plate.
For the aioli, whisk mayon-
naise with the garlic paste until
well blended. Add salt to taste.
Makes four to six servings.
Lu; juan moyano/Alamy; Rafael Campillo/age fotostock
INTERVAL WORLD Spring 2015 IntervalWorld.com
Gustatory magic
happens when bread,
garlic, and tomatoes —
some of the most basic
tapas ingredients —
come together.
1 baguette, approximately
12 inches long
3 large garlic cloves, halved
3 – 4 small, ripe tomatoes,
Extra-virgin olive oil
Coarse salt
Preheat the broiler. Cut
baguette into 12 slices and
place on a baking sheet. Toast
under the broiler until golden
brown. While bread is still
warm, rub garlic halves over
the surface. (Each half can be
used for two slices of bread.)
Then rub tomato halves over
surface, leaving seeds and
pulp on the bread. Discard any
leftover cloves and tomato
skins. Drizzle with olive oil, and
sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Serve immediately. Makes four
servings of three slices per
A link of cured
Spanish chorizo
(sausage) — dry, red,
and spiced with
paprika — comes
ready to eat. But
cooking it in hard
cider (sidra) lends
depth. Serve with the
reduced liquid, to be
sopped up with bread.
1 large cured Spanish
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 cup hard apple cider
1 loaf crusty bread
Cut the chorizo into 1/2-
inch-thick slices. Heat oil on
medium and add sausage,
browning on both sides. Add
cider to the skillet and heat to
a boil. Turn down heat and
simmer for about 15 min-
utes. Serve while still warm.
Approximately three slices of
chorizo with bread makes a
generous tapa.
While bacalao (salt
cod) requires an
overnight soak to draw
out the salt, the recipe
is otherwise fairly
straightforward. Serve
with a quick aioli.